30 While 30

I have a dirty little secret… I turned 30 last month. Yeah, I know, not so secret since it is in my bio but it is still crazy to say type out loud. It feels like a monumental moment in life so I figured I would create a bucket list of sorts for this year. A few of my favorite bloggers have made similar lists (but they were more on top of it and did 30 by 30) and it seemed like a fun idea, plus I adore making lists.

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1. Complete L’s play room
2. Paint kitchen door
3. Add landscaping back to the front yard
4. Add two more raised planter beds to our garden
5. Finish our entry

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6. Visit Middle in NYC (and my dear friend T)
7. Visit Little in AZ
8. Visit SIL (sister-in-law) in WI
9. Go wine tasting in Napa Valley
10. Go skiing with P
11. Girls trip to Savannah


12. Take a family vacation
13. Plan monthly date nights
14. Host Thanksgiving
15. Plan a girls day with my sisters
16. Sign L up for a dance/gymnastics class
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17. Make macaroons
18. Bake fresh bread
19. Visit 5 new (to me) craft breweries
20. Rejoin a CSA
21. Enjoy a meal at an exclusive restaurant

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22. Change jobs
23. Grow this blog


24. Create a 2012 (and 2013) family album
25. Print and hang photos from family sessions
26. Back up all of the photos on our computer

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27. Visit the Conservatory
28. Go strawberry or raspberry picking
29. See a play/musical
30. Host a party for my friends

Now let’s see how much I can accomplish in the next year. I will check in on occasion to let you know the progress. So, have you every made a bucket list?

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